NAnt.Contrib.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
AbstractSvnTask A base class for creating tasks for executing CVS client commands on a CVS repository.
AddTask Used to add files to a Visual SourceSafe database. If the file is currently in the SourceSafe database a message will be logged but files will continue to be added.
ADSIBaseTask Base NAnt task for working with ADSI. This task contains only the path of the ADSI object that you want to work with.
ADSIGetPropertyTask Used to get the value of a property from an ADSI object.
ADSISetPropertyTask Sets a property on an ADSI object.
ApplicationPool Allows an IIS application pool to be controlled.
ArrayFunctions Provides a set of functions that deals with Arrays.
Assembly Represents a single assembly in an NAnt.Contrib.Types.AssemblySet.
AssemblySet Represents a set of assemblies via their identity information.
Astyle Formats source code in a given directory to a specified code format.
BaseTask The base abstract class for all MKS Tasks.
BaseTask The base abstract class for all Visual Source Safe Tasks. Provides the core attributes, and functionality for opening an item in a Visual Source Safe database.
ChangeDirectory Changes the current working directory.
ChangesTask Generates an XML file containing the differences between the sandbox and the project in the MKS database.
CheckinTask Used to checkin files into Visual Source Safe.
CheckoutTask Task used to checkout files from Visual Source Safe.
CheckpointTask Checkpoints a project in an MKS Source Integrity database.
ChecksumTask Calculates checksums for a set of files. Loosely based on Ant's Checksum task.
ClearCaseBase Base class for all the ClearCase tasks.
ClearCaseCatCs Displays a ClearCase config spec.
ClearCaseCheckIn Checks files into a ClearCase VOB.
ClearCaseCheckOut Checks files out of a ClearCase VOB.
ClearCaseLock Locks ClearCase elements.
ClearCaseMkElem Creates elements in a ClearCase VOB.
ClearCaseMkLabel Applies a ClearCase label.
ClearCaseMkLbType Creates a label object in a ClearCase VOB.
ClearCaseRmType Removes elements from a ClearCase VOB.
ClearCaseUnCheckOut Uncheckout ClearCase elements.
ClearCaseUnLock Unlocks ClearCase elements.
ClearCaseUpdate Updates a ClearCase view.
CodeStatsCountCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Contrib.Types.CodeStatsCount elements.
CodeStatsCountEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Contrib.Types.CodeStatsCount elements of a NAnt.Contrib.Types.CodeStatsCountCollection.
CodeStatsTask Generates statistics from source code.
COMRegisterTask Register COM servers or type libraries.
ConcatTask A task that concatenates a set of files. Loosely based on Ant's Concat task.
CreateVirtualDirectory Creates or modifies a virtual directory of a web site hosted on Internet Information Server.
DeleteTask Used to delete or Destroy files or projects in Visual Source Safe.
DeleteVirtualDirectory Deletes a virtual directory from a given web site hosted on Internet Information Server.
Deploy Deploys an assembly to a given BizTalk configuration database.
DicsoTask Discovers the URLs of XML web services on a web server and saves documents related to them to the local disk. The resulting .discomap, .wsdl, and .xsd files can be used with the NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.WsdlTask to produce web service clients and and abstract web service servers using ASP.NET.
DiffTask Used to generate differences in a vss database. It will show all changes to a project after the specified label.
Entity Represents an entity in an NAnt.Contrib.Types.PVCS.EntitySet.
EntitySet Represents a set of entities to include in a PVCS project database task.
Export Exports bindings for a BizTalk assembly to an assembly binding information file.
FileFunctions Groups a set of functions for dealing with files.
FileSetFunctions Provides methods for interrogating Filesets.
FileUtils Groups a set of useful file manipulation methods.
Filter Individual filter component of NAnt.Contrib.Types.FilterSet.
FilterCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Contrib.Types.Filter elements.
FilterEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Contrib.Types.Filter elements of a NAnt.Contrib.Types.FilterCollection.
FilterSet A set of filters to be applied to something.
FilterSetCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Contrib.Types.FilterSet elements.
FilterSetEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Contrib.Types.FilterSet elements of a NAnt.Contrib.Types.FilterSetCollection.
FxCopTask Analyzes managed code assemblies and reports information about the assemblies, such as possible design, localization, performance, and security improvements.
GacInstallTask Installs assemblies into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) by using the gacutil SDK tool.
GacReference Used to specify reference information when working with the GAC.
GacTask Manipulates the contents of the global assembly cache.
GacTaskBase Base class functionality for the GAC tasks.
GacUninstallTask Uninstalls assemblies from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) by using the gacutil SDK tool.
GetTask Retrieves an item or project from MKS Source Integrity.
GetTask Used to retrieve an item or project from a Visual Source Safe database.
GrepTask Searches files for a regular-expression and produces an XML report of the matches.
History Generates an XML file showing all changes made to a Visual SourceSafe project/file between specified labels or dates (by a given user).
Host Allows BizTalk (in-process) host instances to be controlled.
HxCompTask Compiles a Microsoft HTML Help 2.0 Project.
HxRegTask Registers a Microsoft HTML Help 2.0 Collection.
Import Imports bindings from a given assembly binding information file into the specified BizTalk configuration database.
InstallerCreationCommand Base class for NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.Msi.MsiCreationCommand and NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.Msi.MsmCreationCommand.
InstallerDatabase .NET wrapper for a Windows Installer database
InstallerRecordReader Use to read and manipulate existing records.
InstallerSearchClause A simple class for a single search clause. TODO: more comparison types, use of the Composite pattern, etc.
InstallerTable Represents a single table in a Windows Installer archive
InstallerTaskBase Base class for msi/msm installer tasks
KillTask Immediately stops a given process.
LabelTask Used to apply a label to a Visual Source Safe item.
LabelTask Allows creation of view labels in StarTeam repositories.
LineCounter This purpose of this class is to get the line-numbers within a string for a specific position of a character (an index, as returned by the System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex class).
LoadPropertiesTask Loads a file's contents as NAnt properties.
Match Encapsulation of a match of a regular-expression with the associated named capture-groups.
MatchCollection A strongly-typed collection of NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.Grep.Match instances.
MgmtClassGenTask A task that generates strongly typed WMI classes using mgmtclassgen.exe.
MsbuildTask Builds the specified targets in the project file using MSBuild.
MsiCreationCommand Summary description for MsiTaskInfo.
MsiFunctions Allows information on Windows Installer databases and products to be retrieved.
MsiTask Creates a Windows Installer (also known as Microsoft Installer, or MSI) setup database for installing software on the Windows Platform.
MsmCreationCommand Summary description for MsmTaskInfo.
MsmTask Builds a Windows Installer Merge Module (MSM) database.
NGenTask Pre-translates native code for an assembly containing IL (Intermediary Language bytecode) on the Windows platform.
NUnit2ReportTask A task that generates a summary HTML from a set of NUnit xml report files.
NUnitReportTask A task that generates a summary HTML from a set of NUnit xml report files. Loosely based on Erik Hatcher JUnitReport for Ant.
Orchestration Performs a set of actions on a given orchestration.
Orchestration.EnlistOrchestrationAction Enlists the orchestration by creating its activation subscription.
Orchestration.StartOrchestrationAction Starts the orchestration.
Orchestration.StopOrchestrationAction Stops the orchestration.
Orchestration.UnenlistOrchestrationAction Unenlists the orchestration by removing its activation subscription.
P4Add Open file(s) in a client workspace for addition to the depot.
P4Base Base class for Perforce (P4) NAnt tasks. See individual task for example usage.
P4Change Create or delete a changelist specification.
P4Client Add/modify/delete a client spec in perforce.
P4Delete Open file(s) in a client workspace for deletion from the depot.
P4Edit Opens file(s) in a client workspace for edit.
P4Info Returns information from the "p4 info" command back into variables for use within the build process.
P4Label Create or edit a label specification and its view.
P4Labelsync Synchronize a label with the contents of the current client workspace.
P4Print Fetch a specific file from a Perforce depot without needing a clientspec to map it.
P4Reopen Move opened files between changelists or change the files� type.
P4Revert Discard changes made to open files.
P4Set Set registry variables that perforce uses.
P4Submit Send changes made to open files to the depot.
P4Sync Synchronize client space to a Perforce depot view.
Pattern Encapsulation of a search pattern.
Perforce Static helper class for Perforce tasks.
PVCSAddFilesTask Adds files to a PVCS repository.
PVCSAddUserTask Adds a user to a PVCS project or project database.
PVCSAssignGroupTask Assigns a promotion group to versioned files.
PVCSChangeGroupTask Changes the promotion group for specified versioned files.
PVCSCommandArgument Encapsulates the details of a PVCS command argument.
PVCSCommandArgumentCollection Implements a type-safe collection of NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.PVCS.PVCSCommandArguments.
PVCSCreateProjectTask Creates a project in a PVCS repository.
PVCSDeleteGroupTask Removes a specified promotion group from versioned files.
PVCSDeleteLabelTask Removes a label from specified versioned files or projects.
PVCSDeleteTask Deletes folder, projects, versioned items and workspaces in a PVCS repository.
PVCSDeleteUsersTask Deletes the specified users from the PVCS access control database.
PVCSGetTask Gets files from a PVCS repository.
PVCSLabelTask Assigns a version label to a revision of the specified versioned files.
PVCSLockTask Locks a revision of the specified versioned files.
PVCSMultipleEntityTask Base class for all PVCS project database tasks that operate against one or more entities.
PVCSProjectDatabaseTask A base class for PVCS tasks that deal with project databases.
PVCSPromoteGroupTask Promotes versioned files to the next promotion group.
PVCSPutTask Puts files into a PVCS repository.
PVCSRenameLabelTask Renames a label in a PVCS repository.
PVCSSingleEntityTask Base class for all PVCS project database tasks that operate against a single entity.
PVCSTask Base class functionality for all PVCS tasks.
PVCSUnlockTask Unlocks revisions of versioned files in a PVCS repository.
ReceiveLocation Allows BizTalk receive locations to be controlled.
RecordTask A task that records the build's output to a file. Loosely based on Ant's Record task.
Reset Allows stopping, starting and resetting of BizTalk in-process host instances on the specified server.
SchemaElement Represents the an element based on a schema definition.
SchemaValidatedTask Abstract Task that validates inheriting classes against an XML schema of the same name.
SchemaValidatorAttribute Indicates that class should be validated by an XML Schema.
ScpTask Copies a file to a remote server using scp.
SendPort Allows BizTalk send ports to be controlled.
ServiceFunctions Allow information on a Windows service to be retrieved.
SlingshotTask Converts a Visual Studio.NET Solution to a NAnt build file or nmake file.
SqlHelper Helper class used to execute Sql Statements.
SqlStatementAdapter Helper class to adapt SQL statements from some input into something OLEDB can consume directly
SqlStatementList Helper class to maintain a list of SQL Statements.
SqlTask A task to execute arbitrary SQL statements against a OLEDB data source.
SSCMBatch Processes Surround SCM batch files.
SSCMBranch Creates new branches for Surround SCM.
SSCMCheckin Checks in files in Surround SCM repository.
SSCMCheckout Checks out files from a Surround SCM repository.
SSCMFreeze Freezes branches in a Surround SCM repository.
SSCMGet Gets files from a Surround SCM repository.
SSCMLabel Creates file or repository labels for a Surround SCM repository.
SSCMTask Surround SCM abstract task base.
SSCMUnFreeze Unlocks frozen branches for a Surround SCM repository.
StarTeamAutoLabel Task for supporting labeling of repositories with incremented version numbers. The version number calculated will be concatenated to the NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.StarTeam.LabelTask.Label.
StarTeamCheckin Task to check in files to StarTeam repositories.
StarTeamCheckout Task to check out files from StarTeam repositories.
StarTeamLabel Allows creation of view labels in StarTeam repositories.
StarTeamList List items in StarTeam repositories.
StarTeamTask Base star team task.
SvnCheckoutTask Executes the svn checkout command.
SvnTask Executes the svn command specified by the command attribute.
SvnUpdateTask Executes the svn update specified by the command attribute.
TreeBasedTask Base for tree based star team tasks.
TypedCollectionTask Generates collection classes based on a given XML specification file. Code generation is in the specified language.
TypeKindConverter Specialized System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter that supports converting a NAnt.Contrib.Types.ClearCase.TypeKind to a string value that can be used in ClearCase commandline tools.
Unbind Removes all bindings for a given assembly from a BizTalk configuration database.
Undeploy Removes a given assembly from a BizTalk configuration database.
UndoCheckoutTask Task is used to undo a checkout from SourceSafe
ValidateXmlTask Validates a set of XML files based on a set of XML Schemas (XSD).
Vb6Task Compiles Microsoft Visual Basic 6 programs.
VersionTask Increments a four-part version number stored in a text file. The resulting version number is written back to the file and exposed using NAnt properties.
VirtualDirectoryInfo Lists the configuration settings of a specified virtual directory in a web site hosted on Internet Information Server.
WaitForExitTask Waits for a given process on the local computer to exit.
WebBase Base class for all IIS-related task.
WsdlTask Generates code for web service clients and xml web services using ASP.NET from WSDL contract files, XSD Schemas and .discomap discovery documents. Can be used in conjunction with .disco files.
XmlSchemaReference Represents the schema collection element.
XmlSchemaReferenceCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Contrib.Types.XmlSchemaReference elements.
XmlSchemaReferenceEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Contrib.Types.XmlSchemaReference elements of a NAnt.Contrib.Types.XmlSchemaReferenceCollection.
XsdTask The NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.XsdTask generates XML schema or common language runtime classes from XDR, XML, and XSD files, or from classes in a runtime assembly.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
ApplicationPool.ApplicationPoolAction Defines the actions that can be performed on an application pool.
CreateVirtualDirectory.AppType The different ways a (virtual) directory in IIS can be configured as an application.
DelimiterStyle Determines how the delimiter is interpreted in a SQL string.
FileTimestamp Defines how the local timestamp of files retrieved from a SourceSafe database should be set.
GacTask.ActionTypes Defines the actions that can be performed on an assembly using the NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.GacTask.
Host.HostAction Defines the actions that can be performed on a host instance.
PVCSAddFilesTask.PVCSCopyMode Specifies possible copy modes for the NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.PVCS.PVCSAddFilesTask task.
PVCSCommandArgumentPosition Defines possible values for specifying positions for PCLI command arguments and arguments to PCLI itself.
PVCSUnlockTask.PVCSUnlockMode Specifies possible modes for the NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.PVCS.PVCSUnlockTask task.
ReceiveLocation.ReceiveLocationAction Defines the actions that can be performed on a BizTalk receive location.
ReportFormat Defines the report types supported by NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.NUnit2Report.NUnit2ReportTask.
Reset.ResetAction Defines the possible actions that can be performed on the BizTalk in-process host instances.
SchemeType Defines possible reference counting scheme types for the NAnt.Contrib.Tasks.GacTask tasks.
SendPort.SendPortAction Defines the actions that can be performed on a BizTalk send port.
ServiceStatus Indicates the status of a service.
VersionTask.BuildNumberAlgorithm Defines possible algorithms to generate the build number.
VersionTask.RevisionNumberAlgorithm Defines possible algorithms to generate the revision number.
WebBase.IISVersion Defines the IIS versions supported by the IIS tasks.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IRecorder Recorder interface user with the Record task

Struct Types