NAnt.NUnit1.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
IResultFormatterCollection Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.NUnit1.Types.IResultFormatter objects.
IResultFormatterEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.NUnit1.Types.IResultFormatter elements of a NAnt.NUnit1.Types.IResultFormatterCollection.
LogFormatter Prints information about running tests directly to the build log.
NUnitTask Runs tests using the NUnit V1.0 framework.
NUnitTest Represents a test element of an NAnt.NUnit1.Tasks.NUnitTask.
NUnitTestCollection Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.NUnit1.Types.NUnitTest objects.
NUnitTestData Carries data specified through the test element.
NUnitTestEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.NUnit1.Types.NUnitTest elements of a NAnt.NUnit1.Types.NUnitTestCollection.
PlainTextFormatter Prints information about running tests in plain text.
TestResultExtra Decorates NUnits NUnit.Framework.TestResult with extra information such as run-time.
XmlResultFormatter Prints detailed information about running tests in XML format.

Enum Types

Enum Summary

Interface Types

Interface Summary