NAnt.VisualCpp.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
ArgumentUtils Groups a set of useful string manipulation methods for command-line arguments.
ClTask Compiles C/C++ programs using cl.exe, Microsoft's C/C++ compiler.
Library Represents a library.
LibraryCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.VisualCpp.Types.Library elements.
LibraryEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.VisualCpp.Types.Library elements of a NAnt.VisualCpp.Types.LibraryCollection.
LibTask Run lib.exe, Microsoft's Library Manager.
LinkTask Links files using link.exe, Microsoft's Incremental Linker.
McTask Compiles messages using mc.exe, Microsoft's Win32 message compiler.
MidlTask This tasks allows you to run MIDL.exe.
RcTask Compiles resources using rc.exe, Microsoft's Win32 resource compiler.
Symbol Represents a symbol.
SymbolCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.VisualCpp.Types.Symbol elements.
SymbolEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.VisualCpp.Types.Symbol elements of a NAnt.VisualCpp.Types.SymbolCollection.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
BackslashProcessingMethod Defines how to deal with backslashes in values of command line arguments.
CharacterSet Defines the character sets that can be used by the C++ compiler.
ClTask.PrecompiledHeaderMode Defines the supported modes for the use of precompiled header files.