GacTaskBase Class


Base class functionality for the GAC tasks.
Base Types
  • ExternalProgramBase
Derived Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["ExternalProgramBase"] Type["GacTaskBase"] class Type type-node Derived0["GacInstallTask"]-->Type click Derived0 "/api/NAnt.Contrib.Tasks/GacInstallTask" Derived1["GacUninstallTask"]-->Type click Derived1 "/api/NAnt.Contrib.Tasks/GacUninstallTask"


public abstract class GacTaskBase : ExternalProgramBase


Concrete GAC tasks extend this class in order to obtain common functionality.


Name Summary
GacTaskBase() Constructs and initialises an instance of GacTask.


Name Value Summary
AssemblyList ICollection
Concrete GAC tasks must override this property to return an array of assembly names or paths upon which to operate.
CurrentAssembly string
Gets the current assembly being operated against.
ExeName string
Gets the executable name for the gacutil command-line tool.
Force bool
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the GAC operation will be forced.
Managed ManagedExecution
Gets a value indiciating whether the external program is a managed application which should be executed using a runtime engine, if configured.
ProgramArguments string
Gets the program arguments with which to run the gacutil process.
Reference GacReference
Specifies reference details to use when working with the GAC.
ReferenceSpecified bool
Specifies whether a reference was specified for the GAC task.


Name Value Summary
AppendProgramArguments(StringBuilder) void
Appends any task-specific program arguments.
BeforeExecuteTask() void
Invoked prior to invoking ExecuteTask() on the base class.
ExecuteTask() void
Executes the task.
Initialize() void
Validates the task's configuration.
StartProcess() Process
Starts the process that is wrapped by this GAC task.