NAnt.Core.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
Argument Represents a command-line argument.
ArgumentCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Types.Argument elements.
ArgumentEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Types.Argument elements of a NAnt.Core.Types.ArgumentCollection.
AssemblyFunctions Functions to return information for a given assembly.
AssemblyNameFunctions Functions that return information about an assembly's identity.
AssemblyResolver Resolves assemblies by caching assemblies that were loaded.
AttribTask Changes the file attributes of a file or set of files and directories.
AvailableTask Checks if a resource is available at runtime.
BaseBuildAttribute Base attribute for build items (attributes/elements).
BooleanConversionFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to convert strings in boolean values and vice versa.
BooleanValidatorAttribute Used to indicate that a property should be able to be converted into a bool.
BuildAttributeAttribute Indicates that property should be treated as a XML attribute for the task.
BuildElementArrayAttribute Indicates that property should be treated as a XML arrayList
BuildElementAttribute Indicates that the property should be treated as an XML element and further processing should be done.
BuildElementCollectionAttribute Indicates that the property should be treated as a container for a collection of build elements.
BuildEventArgs Class representing an event occurring during a build.
BuildException Thrown whenever an error occurs during the build.
BuildListenerCollection Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.Core.IBuildListener objects.
BuildListenerEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.IBuildListener elements of a NAnt.Core.BuildListenerCollection.
BuildReport Used to store information about a build, to allow better reporting to the user.
CallTask Calls a NAnt target in the current project.
ChainableReader Functions as a chainable TextReader

Executes an alternate set of task or type definition depending on conditions that are individually set on each group.

ChooseTask.When Groups a set of tasks to execute when a condition is met.
CommandLineArgument Represents a valid command-line argument.
CommandLineArgumentAttribute Allows control of command line parsing.
CommandLineArgumentCollection Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument objects.
CommandLineArgumentEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgument elements of a NAnt.Core.Util.CommandLineArgumentCollection.
CommandLineArgumentException The exception that is thrown when one of the command-line arguments provided is not valid.
CommandLineOptions Represents the set of command-line options supported by NAnt.
CommandLineParser Command line parser.
ConfigurationSection Custom configuration section handler for the element.
ConsoleDriver Main entry point to NAnt that is called by the ConsoleStub.
ConversionFunctions Obsolete class which provides NAnt functions to convert data types.
CopyTask Copies a file, a directory, or set of files to a new file or directory.
CopyTask.FileDateInfo Holds the absolute paths and last write time of a given file.
Credential Provides credentials for password-based authentication schemes.
DataTypeBase Provides the abstract base class for types.
DataTypeBaseBuilder Factory to create NAnt.Core.DataTypeBase instances.
DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder objects.
DataTypeBaseBuilderEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilder elements of a NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseBuilderCollection.
DataTypeBaseDictionary Dictionary class to manage the projects types.
DataTypeBaseDictionaryEnumerator Enumerator class for a NAnt.Core.DataTypeBaseDictionary.
DateTimeConversionFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to convert strings in date and time objects and vice versa.
DateTimeFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to work with date and time data.
DateTimeProvider Class for providing the current time and date.
DateTimeValidatorAttribute Used to indicate that a property should be able to be converted into a System.DateTime.
DefaultCommandLineArgumentAttribute Marks a command-line option as being the default option. When the name of a command-line argument is not specified, this option will be assumed.
DefaultLogger Implementation of the default logger.
DeleteTask Deletes a file, fileset or directory.
DescriptionTask An empty task that allows a build file to contain a description.
DirectoryFunctions Groups a set of functions for dealing with directories.
DirectoryScanner Used for searching filesystem based on given include/exclude rules.
DirSet A specialized NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet used for specifying a set of directories.
DoubleConversionFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to convert strings in double values and vice versa.
EchoTask Writes a message to the build log or a specified file.
Element Models a NAnt XML element in the build file.
Element.AttributeConfigurator Configures an NAnt.Core.Element.AttributeConfigurator.Element using meta-data provided by assigned attributes.
ElementContainer Executes embedded tasks/elements in the order in which they are defined.
ElementNameAttribute Indicates that class should be treated as a NAnt element.
EnvironmentFunctions Provide information about the current environment and platform.
EnvironmentSet A set of environment variables.
EnvironmentVariable Represents an environment variable.
EnvironmentVariableCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable elements.
EnvironmentVariableEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariable elements of a NAnt.Core.Types.EnvironmentVariableCollection.
ExecTask Executes a system command.
ExpandProperties Parses NAnt properties and expressions
ExpressionTokenizer Splits an input string into a sequence of tokens used during parsing.
ExternalProgramBase Provides the abstract base class for tasks that execute external applications.
FailTask Exits the current build by throwing a NAnt.Core.BuildException, optionally printing additional information.
FileFunctions Groups a set of functions for dealing with files.
FileSet Filesets are groups of files. These files can be found in a directory tree starting in a base directory and are matched by patterns taken from a number of patterns. Filesets can appear inside tasks that support this feature or at the project level, i.e., as children of <project>.
FileSet.Exclude Models a NAnt XML element in the build file.
FileSet.ExcludesFile Models a NAnt XML element in the build file.
FileSet.Include Models a NAnt XML element in the build file.
FileSet.IncludesFile Models a NAnt XML element in the build file.
FileSetAttribute Indicates that a property should be treated as a XML file set for the task.
FileUtils Provides modified version for Copy and Move from the File class that allow for filter chain processing.
FileVersionInfoFunctions Functions that provide version information for a physical file on disk.
Filter Allows a file's content to be modified while performing an operation.
FilterBuilderCollection Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder objects.
FilterBuilderEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilder elements of a NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterBuilderCollection.
FilterChain Represent a chain of NAnt filters that can be applied to a NAnt.Core.Task.
FilterChain.FilterChainConfigurator Configurator that initializes filters in the order in which they've been specified in the build file.
FilterCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter elements.
FilterEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Filters.Filter elements of a NAnt.Core.Filters.FilterCollection.
Formatter Models a NAnt XML element in the build file.
FormatterCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter elements.
FormatterEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Types.Formatter elements of a NAnt.Core.Types.FormatterCollection.
FrameworkConfigurableAttribute Indicates that the value of the property to which the attribute is assigned, can be configured on the framework-level in the NAnt application configuration file.
FrameworkFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to retrieve information about the current framework environment.
FrameworkInfo Encapsulates information about installed frameworks including version information and directory locations for finding tools.
FrameworkInfoDictionary Dictionary to collect the available frameworks.
FunctionAttribute Indicates that the method should be exposed as a function in NAnt build files.
FunctionSetAttribute Indicates that class should be treated as a set of functions.
FunctionSetBase Base class for implementing NAnt functions.
GacCache Helper class for determining whether assemblies are located in the Global Assembly Cache.
GetTask Gets a particular file from a URL source.
IfNotTask The opposite of the if task.
IfTask Checks the conditional attributes and executes the children if true.
IncludeTask Includes an external build file.
InElement Class which contains nested elements which are used in the loop.
Int32ConversionFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to convert strings in integer values and vice versa.
Int32ValidatorAttribute Indicates that property should be able to be converted into a int within the given range.
Int64ConversionFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to convert strings in 64 bit integer values and vice versa.
LoadFileTask Load a text file into a single property.
LoadTasksTask Loads tasks form a given assembly or all assemblies in a given directory or NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet.
Location Stores the file name, line number and column number to record a position in a text file.
LogWriter Implements a System.IO.TextWriter for writing information to the NAnt logging infrastructure.
LoopTask Loops over a set of items.
MailLogger Buffers log messages from DefaultLogger, and sends an e-mail with the results.
MailTask Sends an SMTP message.
ManagedExecutionConverter Specialized System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter that also supports case-insensitive conversion of "true" to NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Auto and "false" to NAnt.Core.Types.ManagedExecution.Default.
MathFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for working with floating point numbers.
MkDirTask Creates a directory and any non-existent parent directory if necessary.
MoveTask Moves a file, a directory, or set of files to a new file or directory.
NAntFunctions Class which provides NAnt runtime information and operations.
NAntSchemaTask Creates an XSD File for all available tasks.
NAntTask Runs NAnt on a supplied build file, or a set of build files.
OperatingSystemFunctions Functions that return information about an operating system.
Option Represents an option.
OptionCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Types.Option elements.
OptionEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Types.Option elements of a NAnt.Core.Types.OptionCollection.
PathElement Represents a nested path element.
PathFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to work with path strings.
PathScanner Used to search for files on the PATH.

Paths are groups of files and/or directories that need to be passed as a single unit. The order in which parts of the path are specified in the build file is retained, and duplicate parts are automatically suppressed.

Pattern Pattern which is used by a NAnt.Core.Types.PatternSet to include or exclude specific files.
PatternCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern elements.
PatternEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Types.Pattern elements of a NAnt.Core.Types.PatternCollection.
PatternSet A set of patterns, mostly used to include or exclude certain files.
PkgConfigFunctions Base class for implementing NAnt functions.
PlatformFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for retrieving platform information.
PlatformHelper This class provides information about the platform NAnt is currently executed on.
ProgramLocationAttribute Indicates the location that a task executable can be located in.
Project Central representation of a NAnt project.
ProjectFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for retrieving project information.
PropertyDictionary Dictionary to collect a projects properties.
PropertyFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for retrieving property information.
PropertyTask Sets a property in the current project.
Proxy Contains HTTP proxy settings used to process requests to Internet resources.
RawXml Represents an element of which the XML is processed by its parent task or type.
ReflectionUtils Provides a set of helper methods related to reflection.
RegexTask Sets project properties based on the evaluation of a regular expression.
ReplaceString Replaces all occurrences of a given string in the original input with user-supplied replacement string.
ReplaceTokens Replaces tokens in the original input with user-supplied values.
ResourceUtils Provides resource support to NAnt assemblies. This class cannot be inherited from.
SetEnvTask Sets an environment variable or a whole collection of them. Use an empty NAnt.Core.Tasks.SetEnvTask.LiteralValue attribute to clear a variable.
SleepTask A task for sleeping a specified period of time, useful when a build or deployment process requires an interval between tasks.
StopWatchStack Class which implements a stack for measuring durations using a stack-based structure.
StringFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to work with strings.
StringUtils Groups a set of useful string manipulation and validation methods.
StringValidatorAttribute Used to indicate whether a string property should allow an empty string value or not.
StyleTask Processes a document via XSLT.
SysInfoTask Sets properties with system information.
TabsToSpaces Converts tabs to spaces.
Target Class for handling NAnt targets.
TargetCollection Collection class to manage the projects targets.
TargetFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for retrieving target information.
Task Provides the abstract base class for tasks.
TaskAttributeAttribute Indicates that property should be treated as a XML attribute for the task.
TaskBuilder Class to create NAnt tasks from an existing assembly.
TaskBuilderCollection Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder objects.
TaskBuilderEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.TaskBuilder elements of a NAnt.Core.TaskBuilderCollection.
TaskContainer Executes embedded tasks in the order in which they are defined.
TaskFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for retrieving task information.
TaskNameAttribute Indicates that class should be treated as a task.
TimeSpanConversionFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions to convert strings in date and time span objects and vice versa.
TimeSpanFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for working with time spans.
Token ReplaceTokens filter token.
TouchTask Touches a file or set of files -- corresponds to the Unix touch command.
TryCatchTask Executes a set of tasks, and optionally catches a build exception to allow recovery or rollback steps to be taken, or to define some steps to be taken regardless if the tasks succeed or fail, or both.
TryCatchTask.CatchElement Executes embedded tasks/elements in the order in which they are defined.
TStampTask Sets properties with the current date and time.
TypeFactory Comprises all of the loaded, and available, tasks. Use these static methods to register, initialize and create a task.
UpToDateTask Check modification dates on groups of files.
ValidationException Thrown whenever an error occurs during the build.
ValidatorAttribute Base class for all validator attributes.
VersionConversionFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for converting strings to version objects and vice versa.
VersionFunctions Class which provides NAnt functions for working with version objects.
XmlLogger Used to wrap log messages in xml <message/> elements.
XmlNamespace Represents an XML namespace.
XmlNamespaceCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace elements.
XmlNamespaceEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespace elements of a NAnt.Core.Types.XmlNamespaceCollection.
XmlPeekTask Extracts text from an XML file at the location specified by an XPath expression.
XmlPokeTask Replaces text in an XML file at the location specified by an XPath expression.
XsltExtensionObject Represents an XSLT extension object. The object should have a default parameterless constructor and the return value should be one of the four basic XPath data types of number, string, Boolean or node set.
XsltExtensionObjectCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject elements.
XsltExtensionObjectEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObject elements of a NAnt.Core.Types.XsltExtensionObjectCollection.
XsltParameter Represents an XSLT parameter.
XsltParameterCollection Contains a collection of NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter elements.
XsltParameterEnumerator Enumerates the NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameter elements of a NAnt.Core.Types.XsltParameterCollection.

Delegate Types

Delegate Summary
BuildEventHandler Represents the method that handles the build events.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
AvailableTask.ResourceType Defines the possible resource checks.
ClrType Enumeration of CLR types.
CommandLineArgumentTypes Used to control parsing of command-line arguments.
ExpressionTokenizer.TokenType Available tokens
FrameworkTypes Defines the types of frameworks.
Level Defines the set of levels recognised by the NAnt logging system.
LocationType Defines possible locations in which a task executable can be located.
LoopTask.LoopItem Possible types of iteration that can be done.
LoopTask.LoopTrim Specifies the trimming of items.
MailTask.MailFormat Temporary enum replacement of System.Web.Mail.MailFormat to ease transition to newer property flags.
ManagedExecution Specifies the execution mode for managed applications.
VendorType Enumeration of vendors.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IBuildListener Instances of classes that implement this interface can register to be notified when things happen during a build.
IBuildLogger Interface used by NAnt to log the build output.
IConditional Provides indicators to NAnt.Core.Element based classes that tells NAnt.Core.Element that conditional checks should be evaluated before processing.

Struct Types