WsdlTask Class


Generates code for web service clients and xml web services using ASP.NET from WSDL contract files, XSD Schemas and .discomap discovery documents. Can be used in conjunction with .disco files.
Base Types
  • ExternalProgramBase
graph BT Type-->Base0["ExternalProgramBase"] Type["WsdlTask"] class Type type-node


public class WsdlTask : ExternalProgramBase


Generate a proxy class for a web service.

<wsdl path=""
        language="CS" namespace="MyCompany.MyService" outfile="MyService.cs" />


Type Description


Name Value Summary
BaseUrl string
Base Url to use when calculating the Url fragment. The UrlKey attribute must also be specified.
Domain string
Domain of an account with credentials to access a server that requires authentication.
ForServer bool
Compiles server-side ASP.NET abstract classes based on the web service contract. The default is to create client side proxy classes.
Language string
Language of generated code. 'CS', 'VB', 'JS', or the fully-qualified name of a class implementing System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomCompiler.
Managed ManagedExecution
Gets a value indiciating whether the external program is a managed application which should be executed using a runtime engine, if configured.
Namespace string
Microsoft.NET namespace of generated classes.
NoLogo bool
Suppresses the banner.
OutFile string
Output filename of the created proxy. Default name is derived from the service name.
Password string
Password of an account with credentials to access a server that requires authentication.
Path string
URL or Path to a WSDL, XSD, or .discomap document.
ProgramArguments string
Gets the command-line arguments for the external program.
Protocol string
Override default protocol to implement. Choose from 'SOAP', 'HttpGet', 'HttpPost', or a custom protocol as specified in the configuration file.
Proxy string
URL of a proxy server to use for HTTP requests. The default is to use the system proxy setting.
ProxyDomain string
Domain of an account with credentials to access a proxy that requires authentication.
ProxyPassword string
Password of an account with credentials to access a proxy that requires authentication.
ProxyUsername string
Username of an account with credentials to access a proxy that requires authentication.
UrlKey string
Configuration key to use in the code generation to read the default value for the Url property. The default is not to read from the config file.
Username string
Username of an account with credentials to access a server that requires authentication.


Name Value Summary
ExecuteTask() void