AssemblyAttribute |
Represents an assembly-level attribute.
AssemblyAttributeCollection |
Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute
AssemblyAttributeEnumerator |
Enumerates the NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttribute elements of a NAnt.DotNet.Types.AssemblyAttributeCollection .
AssemblyFileSet |
Specialized NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet class for managing assembly files.
AssemblyInfoTask |
Generates an AssemblyInfo file using the attributes given.
AssemblyLinkerTask |
Wraps al.exe, the assembly linker for the .NET Framework.
CompilerBase |
Provides the abstract base class for compiler tasks.
CompilerBase.ResourceLinkage |
Holds class and namespace information for resource (*.resx) linkage.
CompilerWarning |
Represents a compiler warning.
CompilerWarningCollection |
Contains a collection of NAnt.DotNet.Types.CompilerWarning elements.
CompilerWarningEnumerator |
Enumerates the NAnt.DotNet.Types.CompilerWarning elements of a NAnt.DotNet.Types.CompilerWarningCollection .
CscTask |
Compiles C# programs.
DataTypeCollectionBase |
Base class for collections that needs to be globally referencable.
DebugOutputConverter |
Specialized System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter that also supports
case-insensitive conversion of "true" to
NAnt.DotNet.Types.DebugOutput.Enable and "false" to
NAnt.DotNet.Types.DebugOutput.None .
DelaySignConverter |
Specialized System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter that also supports
case-insensitive conversion of "true" to
NAnt.DotNet.Types.DelaySign.Yes and "false" to
NAnt.DotNet.Types.DelaySign.No .
DelaySignTask |
Signs delay-signed .NET Assemblies, or re-signs existing assemblies.
EmbeddedResource |
Represents an embedded resource.
EmbeddedResourceCollection |
Contains a collection of NAnt.DotNet.Types.EmbeddedResource items.
EmbeddedResourceEnumerator |
Enumerates the NAnt.DotNet.Types.EmbeddedResource items of a NAnt.DotNet.Types.EmbeddedResourceCollection .
IlasmTask |
Compiles ILASM programs.
JscTask |
Compiles JScript.NET programs.
LibDirectorySet |
A specialized NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet used for setting the lib directories.
LicenseTask |
Generates a .licence file from a .licx file.
Module |
Represents a metadata file without assembly manifest.
ModuleCollection |
Contains a collection of NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module items.
ModuleEnumerator |
Enumerates the NAnt.DotNet.Types.Module items of a NAnt.DotNet.Types.ModuleCollection .
ModuleSet |
One or more modules to compile into an assembly.
NamespaceImport |
Represents a namespace to import.
NamespaceImportCollection |
Contains a collection of NAnt.DotNet.Types.NamespaceImport items.
NamespaceImportEnumerator |
Enumerates the NAnt.DotNet.Types.NamespaceImport items of a NAnt.DotNet.Types.NamespaceImportCollection .
NDocTask |
Runs NDoc V1.3.1 to create documentation.
Package |
Represents a package.
PackageCollection |
Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.DotNet.Types.Package
PackageEnumerator |
Enumerates the NAnt.DotNet.Types.Package elements of a NAnt.DotNet.Types.PackageCollection .
QualifiedResource |
For internal use only !
RegsvcsTask |
Installs or removes .NET Services.
ResGenTask |
Converts files from one resource format to another.
ResourceFileSet |
Specialized NAnt.Core.Types.FileSet class for managing resource files.
ResourceFileSetCollection |
Contains a strongly typed collection of NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet objects.
ResourceFileSetEnumerator |
Enumerates the NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSet elements of a NAnt.DotNet.Types.ResourceFileSetCollection .
ScriptTask |
Executes the code contained within the task.
VbcTask |
Compiles Visual Basic.NET programs.
VjcTask |
Compiles Visual J# programs using vjc, Microsoft's J# compiler.
WarningAsError |
Controls the behavior of a compiler with regards to the reporting of