FormatterElement Class


Represents the FormatterElement of the NUnit task.
Base Types
graph BT Type-->Base0["Element"] click Base0 "/api/NAnt.Core/Element" Base0-->Base1["Object"] Type["FormatterElement"] class Type type-node


public class FormatterElement : Element


Type Description
ElementNameAttribute Indicates that class should be treated as a NAnt element.


Name Value Summary
CustomXmlProcessing bool
Gets a value indicating whether the element is performing additional processing using the NAnt.Core.Element.XmlNode that was used to initialize the element.
Inherited from Element
Data FormatterData
Gets the underlying NAnt.NUnit.Types.FormatterData for the element.
Extension string
Extension to append to the output filename.
Location Location
Gets or sets the location in the build file where the element is defined.
Inherited from Element
Name string
Gets the name of the XML element used to initialize this element.
Inherited from Element
NamespaceManager XmlNamespaceManager
Gets or sets the System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.
Inherited from Element
OutputDirectory DirectoryInfo
Specifies the directory where the output file should be written to, if NAnt.NUnit.Types.FormatterElement.UseFile is true. If not specified, the output file will be written to the directory where the test module is located.
Parent Object
Gets or sets the parent of the element.
Inherited from Element
Project Project
Gets or sets the NAnt.Core.Element.Project to which this element belongs.
Inherited from Element
Properties PropertyDictionary
Gets the properties local to this NAnt.Core.Element and the NAnt.Core.Element.Project.
Inherited from Element
Type FormatterType
Type of formatter.
UseFile bool
Determines whether output should be persisted to a file. The default is false.
XmlNode XmlNode
Gets or sets the XML node of the element.
Inherited from Element


Name Value Summary
CopyTo(Element) void
Copies all instance data of the NAnt.Core.Element to a given NAnt.Core.Element.
Inherited from Element
GetAttributeConfigurationNode(FrameworkInfo, string) XmlNode
Locates the XML node for the specified attribute in the project configuration node.
Inherited from Element
GetAttributeConfigurationNode(XmlNode, FrameworkInfo, string) XmlNode
Inherited from Element
GetLocation() Location
Retrieves the location in the build file where the element is defined.
Inherited from Element
Initialize() void
Derived classes should override to this method to provide extra initialization and validation not covered by the base class.
Inherited from Element
Initialize(XmlNode) void
Performs default initialization.
Inherited from Element
InitializeBuildElement(Element, XmlNode, Element, Type) Element
Initializes the build element.
Inherited from Element
InitializeElement(XmlNode) void
Derived classes should override to this method to provide extra initialization and validation not covered by the base class.
Inherited from Element
InitializeXml(XmlNode, PropertyDictionary, FrameworkInfo) void
Initializes all build attributes and child elements.
Inherited from Element
Log(Level, string) void
Logs a message with the given priority.
Inherited from Element
Log(Level, string, Object[]) void
Logs a message with the given priority.
Inherited from Element