NAnt.Core.Attributes Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
BaseBuildAttribute Base attribute for build items (attributes/elements).
BooleanValidatorAttribute Used to indicate that a property should be able to be converted into a bool.
BuildAttributeAttribute Indicates that property should be treated as a XML attribute for the task.
BuildElementArrayAttribute Indicates that property should be treated as a XML arrayList
BuildElementAttribute Indicates that the property should be treated as an XML element and further processing should be done.
BuildElementCollectionAttribute Indicates that the property should be treated as a container for a collection of build elements.
DateTimeValidatorAttribute Used to indicate that a property should be able to be converted into a System.DateTime.
ElementNameAttribute Indicates that class should be treated as a NAnt element.
FileSetAttribute Indicates that a property should be treated as a XML file set for the task.
FrameworkConfigurableAttribute Indicates that the value of the property to which the attribute is assigned, can be configured on the framework-level in the NAnt application configuration file.
FunctionAttribute Indicates that the method should be exposed as a function in NAnt build files.
FunctionSetAttribute Indicates that class should be treated as a set of functions.
Int32ValidatorAttribute Indicates that property should be able to be converted into a int within the given range.
ProgramLocationAttribute Indicates the location that a task executable can be located in.
StringValidatorAttribute Used to indicate whether a string property should allow an empty string value or not.
TaskAttributeAttribute Indicates that property should be treated as a XML attribute for the task.
TaskNameAttribute Indicates that class should be treated as a task.
ValidatorAttribute Base class for all validator attributes.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
LocationType Defines possible locations in which a task executable can be located.