- Assembly Functions
- Conversion Functions
- Date/Time Functions
- Directory Functions
- Environment Functions
- File Functions
- Math Functions
- MSBuild Functions
- NAnt Functions
- Operating System Functions
- Path Functions
- String Functions
- Unix/Cygwin Functions
- Version Functions
Assembly Functions
Functions | Summary |
assembly::get-attribute-property |
Gets a custom attribute from the specified assembly. |
assembly::get-full-name |
Gets the full name of the assembly, also known as the display name. |
assembly::get-informational-version |
Gets the value of the |
assembly::get-location |
Gets the physical location, in codebase format, of the loaded file that contains the manifest. |
assembly::get-name |
Gets an |
assembly::load |
Loads an assembly given the long form of its name. |
assembly::load-from-file |
Loads an assembly given its file name or path. |
assemblyname::get-assembly-name |
Gets the |
assemblyname::get-codebase |
Gets the location of the assembly as a URL. |
assemblyname::get-escaped-codebase |
Gets the URI, including escape characters, that represents the codebase. |
assemblyname::get-full-name |
Gets the full name of the assembly, also known as the display name. |
assemblyname::get-name |
Gets the simple, unencrypted name of the assembly. |
assemblyname::get-version |
Gets the version of the assembly. |
Conversion Functions
Functions | Summary |
bool::parse |
Converts the specified string representation of a logical value to
its |
bool::to-string |
Converts the specified |
convert::to-boolean |
Converts the argument to a boolean
Obsolete. Use type-specific conversion functions instead.
convert::to-datetime |
Converts the argument to a datetime.
Obsolete. Use type-specific conversion functions instead.
convert::to-double |
Converts the argument to double
Obsolete. Use type-specific conversion functions instead.
convert::to-int |
Converts the argument to an integer.
Obsolete. Use type-specific conversion functions instead.
convert::to-string |
Converts the argument to a string.
Obsolete. Use type-specific conversion functions instead.
datetime::format-to-string |
Converts the specified |
datetime::parse |
Converts the specified string representation of a date and time to
its |
datetime::to-string |
Converts the specified |
double::parse |
Converts the specified string representation of a number to its double-precision floating point number equivalent. |
double::to-string |
Converts the specified |
int::parse |
Converts the specified string representation of a number to its 32-bit signed integer equivalent. |
int::to-string |
Converts the specified |
long::parse |
Converts the specified string representation of a number to its 64-bit signed integer equivalent. |
long::to-string |
Converts the specified |
timespan::parse |
Constructs a |
timespan::to-string |
Converts the specified |
version::parse |
Converts the specified string representation of a version to
its |
version::to-string |
Converts the specified |
Date/Time Functions
Functions | Summary |
datetime::get-day |
Gets the day of the month represented by the specified date. |
datetime::get-day-of-week |
Gets the day of the week represented by the specified date. |
datetime::get-day-of-year |
Gets the day of the year represented by the specified date. |
datetime::get-days-in-month |
Returns the number of days in the specified month of the specified year. |
datetime::get-hour |
Gets the hour component of the specified date. |
datetime::get-millisecond |
Gets the milliseconds component of the specified date. |
datetime::get-minute |
Gets the minute component of the specified date. |
datetime::get-month |
Gets the month component of the specified date. |
datetime::get-second |
Gets the seconds component of the specified date. |
datetime::get-ticks |
Gets the number of ticks that represent the specified date. |
datetime::get-year |
Gets the year component of the specified date. |
datetime::is-leap-year |
Returns an indication whether the specified year is a leap year. |
datetime::now |
Gets a |
timespan::from-days |
Returns a |
timespan::from-hours |
Returns a |
timespan::from-milliseconds |
Returns a |
timespan::from-minutes |
Returns a |
timespan::from-seconds |
Returns a |
timespan::from-ticks |
Returns a |
timespan::get-days |
Returns the number of whole days represented by the specified
timespan::get-hours |
Returns the number of whole hours represented by the specified
timespan::get-milliseconds |
Returns the number of whole milliseconds represented by the specified
timespan::get-minutes |
Returns the number of whole minutes represented by the specified
timespan::get-seconds |
Returns the number of whole seconds represented by the specified
timespan::get-ticks |
Returns the number of ticks contained in the specified
timespan::get-total-days |
Returns the total number of days represented by the specified
timespan::get-total-hours |
Returns the total number of hours represented by the specified
timespan::get-total-milliseconds |
Returns the total number of milliseconds represented by the specified
timespan::get-total-minutes |
Returns the total number of minutes represented by the specified
timespan::get-total-seconds |
Returns the total number of seconds represented by the specified
Directory Functions
Functions | Summary |
directory::exists |
Determines whether the given path refers to an existing directory on disk. |
directory::get-creation-time |
Returns the creation date and time of the specified directory. |
directory::get-current-directory |
Gets the current working directory. |
directory::get-directory-root |
Returns the volume information, root information, or both for the specified path. |
directory::get-last-access-time |
Returns the date and time the specified directory was last accessed. |
directory::get-last-write-time |
Returns the date and time the specified directory was last written to. |
directory::get-name |
Retrieves the directory name of the specified path. |
directory::get-parent-directory |
Retrieves the parent directory of the specified path. |
Environment Functions
Functions | Summary |
environment::get-folder-path |
Gets the path to the system special folder identified by the specified enumeration. |
environment::get-machine-name |
Gets the NetBIOS name of this local computer. |
environment::get-operating-system |
Gets an |
environment::get-user-name |
Gets the user name of the person who started the current thread. |
environment::get-variable |
Returns the value of the specified environment variable. |
environment::get-version |
Gets a |
environment::newline |
Gets the newline string defined for this environment. |
environment::variable-exists |
Gets a value indicating whether the specified environment variable exists. |
File Functions
Functions | Summary |
file::exists |
Determines whether the specified file exists. |
file::get-creation-time |
Returns the creation date and time of the specified file. |
file::get-last-access-time |
Returns the date and time the specified file was last accessed. |
file::get-last-write-time |
Returns the date and time the specified file was last written to. |
file::get-length |
Gets the length of the file. |
file::is-assembly |
Checks if a given file is an assembly. |
file::up-to-date |
Determines whether targetFile is more or equal up-to-date than srcFile. |
Math Functions
Functions | Summary |
math::abs |
Returns the absolute value of the specified number |
math::ceiling |
Returns the smallest whole number greater than or equal to the specified number |
math::floor |
Returns the largest whole number less than or equal to the specified number. |
math::round |
Rounds the value to the nearest whole number |
MSBuild Functions
Functions | Summary |
msbuild::is-msbuild-project |
Test whether project is VS2005 project and could be built using <msbuild> |
NAnt Functions
Functions | Summary |
framework::exists |
Checks whether the specified framework exists, and is valid. |
framework::get-assembly-directory |
Gets the assembly directory of the specified framework. |
framework::get-clr-version |
Gets the Common Language Runtime version of the specified framework. |
framework::get-clr-version |
Gets the Common Language Runtime version of the current target framework. |
framework::get-description |
Gets the description of the current target framework. |
framework::get-description |
Gets the description of the specified framework. |
framework::get-family |
Gets the family of the specified framework. |
framework::get-framework-directory |
Gets the framework directory of the specified framework. |
framework::get-frameworks |
Gets a comma-separated list of frameworks filtered by the specified
framework::get-runtime-engine |
Gets the runtime engine of the specified framework. |
framework::get-runtime-framework |
Gets the identifier of the runtime framework. |
framework::get-sdk-directory |
Gets the SDK directory of the specified framework. |
framework::get-target-framework |
Gets the identifier of the current target framework. |
framework::get-tool-path |
Gets the absolute path of the specified tool for the current target framework. |
framework::get-version |
Gets the version of the specified framework. |
framework::get-version |
Gets the version of the current target framework. |
framework::sdk-exists |
Checks whether the SDK for the specified framework is installed. |
nant::get-assembly |
Gets the NAnt assembly. |
nant::get-base-directory |
Gets the base directory of the appdomain in which NAnt is running. |
nant::scan-probing-paths |
Searches the probing paths of the current target framework for the specified file. |
nant::scan-probing-paths |
Searches the probing paths of the current target framework for the specified file. |
platform::get-name |
Gets the name of the platform on which NAnt is running. |
platform::is-unix |
Checks whether NAnt is running on Unix. |
platform::is-win32 |
Checks whether NAnt is running on Windows (and not just 32-bit Windows as the name may lead you to believe).
Obsolete. Use the is-windows function instead.
platform::is-windows |
Checks whether NAnt is running on Windows. |
project::get-base-directory |
Gets the base directory of the current project. |
project::get-buildfile-path |
Gets the local path to the build file. |
project::get-buildfile-uri |
Gets the |
project::get-default-target |
Gets the name of the target that will be executed when no other build targets are specified. |
project::get-name |
Gets the name of the current project. |
property::exists |
Checks whether the specified property exists. |
property::get-value |
Gets the value of the specified property. |
property::is-dynamic |
Checks whether the specified property is a dynamic property. |
property::is-readonly |
Checks whether the specified property is read-only. |
target::exists |
Checks whether the specified target exists. |
target::get-current-target |
Gets the name of the target being executed. |
target::has-executed |
Checks whether the specified target has already been executed. |
task::exists |
Checks whether the specified task exists. |
task::get-assembly |
Returns the |
Operating System Functions
Functions | Summary |
operating-system::get-platform |
Gets a |
operating-system::get-version |
Gets a |
operating-system::to-string |
Converts the value of the specified operating system to its equivalent
Path Functions
Functions | Summary |
path::change-extension |
Changes the extension of the path string. |
path::combine |
Combines two paths. |
path::get-directory-name |
Returns the directory information for the specified path string. |
path::get-extension |
Returns the extension for the specified path string. |
path::get-file-name |
Returns the filename for the specified path string. |
path::get-file-name-without-extension |
Returns the filename without extension for the specified path string. |
path::get-full-path |
Returns the fully qualified path. |
path::get-path-root |
Gets the root directory of the specified path. |
path::get-temp-file-name |
Returns a uniquely named zero-byte temporary file on disk and returns the full path to that file. |
path::get-temp-path |
Gets the path to the temporary directory. |
path::has-extension |
Determines whether a path string includes an extension. |
path::is-path-rooted |
Determines whether a path string is absolute. |
String Functions
Functions | Summary |
string::contains |
Tests whether the specified string contains the given search string. |
string::ends-with |
Tests whether the specified string ends with the specified suffix string. |
string::get-length |
Returns the length of the specified string. |
string::index-of |
Returns the position of the first occurrence in the specified string of the given search string. |
string::last-index-of |
Returns the position of the last occurrence in the specified string of the given search string. |
string::pad-left |
Returns the given string left-padded to the given length. |
string::pad-right |
Returns the given string right-padded to the given length. |
string::replace |
Returns a string corresponding to the replacement of a given string with another in the specified string. |
string::starts-with |
Tests whether the specified string starts with the specified prefix string. |
string::substring |
Returns a substring of the specified string. |
string::to-lower |
Returns the specified string converted to lowercase. |
string::to-upper |
Returns the specified string converted to uppercase. |
string::trim |
Returns the given string trimmed of whitespace. |
string::trim-end |
Returns the given string trimmed of trailing whitespace. |
string::trim-start |
Returns the given string trimmed of leading whitespace. |
Unix/Cygwin Functions
Functions | Summary |
cygpath::get-dos-path |
Gets the DOS (short) form of the specified path. |
cygpath::get-unix-path |
Gets the Unix form of the specified path. |
cygpath::get-windows-path |
Gets the Windows form of the specified path. |
pkg-config::exists |
Determines whether the given package exists. |
pkg-config::get-compile-flags |
Gets the compile flags required to compile the package, including all its dependencies. |
pkg-config::get-link-flags |
Gets the link flags required to compile the package, including all its dependencies. |
pkg-config::get-mod-version |
Determines the version of the given package. |
pkg-config::get-variable |
Gets the value of a variable for the specified package. |
pkg-config::is-atleast-version |
Determines whether the given package is at least version version. |
pkg-config::is-between-version |
Determines whether the given package is between two versions. |
pkg-config::is-exact-version |
Determines whether the given package is exactly version version. |
pkg-config::is-max-version |
Determines whether the given package is at no newer than version version. |
Version Functions
Functions | Summary |
fileversioninfo::get-company-name |
Gets the name of the company that produced the file. |
fileversioninfo::get-file-version |
Gets the file version of a file. |
fileversioninfo::get-product-name |
Gets the name of the product the file is distributed with. |
fileversioninfo::get-product-version |
Gets the product version of a file. |
fileversioninfo::get-version-info |
Returns a |
version::get-build |
Gets the value of the build component of a given version. |
version::get-major |
Gets the value of the major component of a given version. |
version::get-minor |
Gets the value of the minor component of a given version. |
version::get-revision |
Gets the value of the revision component of a given version. |